Booking Manager is a flexible tool that gives you a unique opportunity to offer partial payments in several installments. Follow these simple steps that will make payment easier for your clients and increase your cash flow. If you have any questions feel free to contact us, our support team will be happy to assist you.
Payment method editor
First go to Setup (1) > Payment method editor (2).
When you enter the Payment method editor to enter a new method click on New (1), in the popup window enter the name of the method (2) and press OK (3).
Next, select the 1st payment percentage (1) and when it is due to be paid (2), select the 2nd payment percentage (3) (later down in the article we will explain how the procedure goes if you offer third payment), and when it is due to be paid (4) and set the default currency (5) for the method.
Then enter the Payment terms (6), Bank details (7) and Note (8) if required and press Apply (9). These 3 items are visible on your documents like Booking confirmation etc.
Once you entered basic information about the payment method you can click and select a different flag to enter translations for Payment terms (1), Bank details (2) and Note (3).
As a further option and if it is required you can even set the custom header address (4), header details (5) and upload a custom logo (6) if it is to be used with the payment method on the documents.
When you are done press Apply (7).
If you offer Third payment, system will calculate it automatically based on entered percentage of first two payment, Payment Terms write-in field Payment terms.
Next step is to go in tab Reservations (1) >Invoice detail (2) choose your New payment method (3) >Reload details (4) >Apply (5) > Create invoice (6) > Print Invoice (7)
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