Once you log in on Booking Manager portal, Booking sheet feature can be found in the main menu (1.) and in the icon bar (2.)
Once you open the Booking sheet you will see the Yacht search (1.) on the left and the Booking sheet (2.) on the right.
The Booking sheet already shows the selection on first 100 boats.
Using the Yacht search
The Yacht search engine (1.) gives you the ability to select Where and What to include in your search.
Once you made the selection and pressed Search (2.) the Booking sheet (3.) will load the boats that were received as a result of your search.
The largest number of boats that Booking sheet can show is Top 100 results, unless you selected a particular company in which case it will show all available boats from that company .
Booking the boat from the booking sheet
Once you receive the results the Booking sheet will show the following:
The period you selected in your search will be visible at the top of the page (1.).
When your cursor is over the field a tooltip will appear with boats name, selected date, weekly price and availability (2.)
All that is left to do is to click on the field to start the booking process.
Booking process
After you clicked on the box in the Booking sheet, from that point the process is exactly the same as is if you wanted to book a boat using the standard process through Yacht search.
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