Booking Manager allows you to place a boat under the Service in three different ways.
One is from the main screen, another is from the Booking sheet or through Reservation editor.
1. Create a Service on the Main Screen
- To create a Service choose the date
- Chose a boat and right-click with the mouse where a new screen will open
- Choose-New reservation
4. The system will create an option.
5. Change status to Service
6. After the status of Option is changed to the Service
7. Press Apply
2. Create a Service through Booking sheet
There are two ways of entering Booking Sheet to create a Service
First one is
- Choose Booking sheet on the main screen
Second one is if you go to
- Work
- Booking Sheet
Once you've entered Booking sheet,
- Choose the date
- Double click on the date
3. The system will create an option.
4. Change status of option to the reservation
5. Press apply
3. Create a Reservation through Reservation editor
Go to >Work>Reservations
- Click on New
2. Select a filter by which you can choose a boat for which you're entering reservation
3. After you select the boat, press Choose
4. A new pop-up with a date will appear. Click on the calendar icon and choose the date for which you're entering reservation
5. Selected date will appear
6. Choose Ok. Reservation is created
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