Java distribution from Oracle as any other complex software is constantly being targeted by hackers for security holes, and being one of the most widely deployed pieces of software in the world in Banks, Governments and Educational institutions it needs security updates. End consumers that use Java web browser plugin to run popular Java games on their computers are most familiar with these security updates from Oracle.
LBM (Local Booking Manager) is a desktop application and it doesn't need the Java browser plugin to be active in order to run, so if you have any concerns or are afraid that someone might "hack" your computer thru Java, this is not possible to do thru Booking Manager desktop application. Additionally because Booking Manager is digitally signed when installing on your computer it is much more secure than normal typical desktop applications (you will notice a message asking if you trust MMK to install the Booking Manager on your computer)
Regardless of this, for maximum security and peace of mind we recommend that users that do not use the Java browser plugin actively in their web browsers disable them in their Java Control Panel / Java configuration dialog.
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