Booking Manager allows for workers in base to create and issue invoices for extras on-line directly on Central Booking Manager.
Creating a User with Correct Access Rights
First you need to create user .
- Enter the Address book of Local Booking Manager and select Staff under Groups in Filter
- Press New to enter the staff member.
- When entering data the most important information is the E-mail because it will serve as a username for the system.
- Click on Misc
- Enter the Password or the system
- Press Apply
- Click on Access rights
- Select Module Bases
- Place checks to allow Read, Write, Manage and Administer
- Press Apply
- Select Apply.
Synchronize the system so the user is able to log in online.
Creating and Printing Invoices for Extras
Once the log in has been created and synchronized the user can log in to the CBM with his log in information.
- In CBM first click on Reservation manager icon to open the reservation list
- Click on the Reservation calculation icon on the reservation for which invoice for extras is to be issued
- Click on New
This will open a custom reservation that contains only extras from that reservation.
- Go to Invoice details tab
- Set the tax percentage for each item
- Select Advanced tab
- Since this is the invoice for extras payable in base it is checked as Free entry reservation and as Invoice guest
- You can choose to add Alternative currency in which you want to see the invoice
- Select Save button
- After that the Invoice is ready to be printed in pdf form
This is how the invoice looks:
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