Booking Manager 9.3 now allows for workers in base to create and print Embarkment list on-line directly on CBM.
Creating a user with correct access rights
First you need to create user if it doesn't already exist .
Enter the Address book and select Staff under Groups in Filter (1.). Press New (2.) to enter the staff member. When entering data the most important information is the E-mail (3.) because it will serve as a username for the system.
Next click on Misc (1.) and enter the Password (2.) for the system and press Apply (3.)
Finally you click on Access rights and select Module Bases (2) and place checks to allow Read, Write, Manage and Administer (3.) and press Apply (4.) and then Close (5.).
Synchronize the system so the user is able to log in online.
Creating and printing the Embarkment list report
Once you log in into the CBM click on the Embarkment list icon (1.) , enter the date and other parameters in the Filter (2.) if required and press Refresh (3.)
You will receive a report preview in the Result (4). Once you check the report click on Print this page (5.) to print it out.

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