If you are leaving the office or are unable to read your e-mail on a regular basis for a certain period of time due to any reason it might be a good idea to forward your e-mails to your colleagues so your mail does not go unattended and also to setup the automated reply.
This is easily set up by using our Webmail service.
1. Setting the automated reply
To setup your forwarding address first step is to log in to your webmail account at http://webmail.mmksystems.com/ by using your mail address as username and password provided by MMK
You will log in to your Inbox. Next step is to click on Account icon (1.) and select Settings (2.).
Once you enter Settings, click on Filters (1.) and then click on Add a Filter (3.) button.
Set the name of the filter (1.), e.g. Vacation message and click on Add a condition button (2.)
Simplest condition to apply to set that messages From anyone who sends you an e-mail (1.), that does not contain (2.) your own domain (3.) on which your own mail address is located.
Under Actions select the type to be Vacation message (4.), enter the recipient address (your mail address) (5.). If you are setting the Vacation message for multiple e-mail addresses, separate them with comma (,) enter your message for the sender (6.) and click on Done (7.).
Once you clicked on done, you will be returned to the Filters main screen. Your filter will appear checked in the list (1.), with the warning message that it needs to be saved on the server (3).
Click on Save (3.) to activate the vacation message filter.
2. Removing the automated reply
When the automated replies are no longer required, click on Account icon, click on Settings and click on Filters again.
Remove the check from the filter (1.).
Warning message that it needs to be saved on the server (2) will appear.
Click on Save (3.) to deactivate the vacation message filter.
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