The default day for check-in in the Booking Manager is Saturday, but the charter can set any day of the week to be the default check-in day for a particular boat.
First, you must enter Work > Yachts in LBM and select a boat (1.). Then, on the right, find the field Checkin day of the week (2.). All boats have entered number 7 as a default, which is Saturday. Change the number to a number of a day you want check-in to be on and press Apply (3.).
Day numbers are as follows:
1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
Once the user is logged in to CBM and opens the Booking sheet (1.) he will now see several booking sheets according to the starting day of booking (2.). The default view is Saturday that shows boats that have Saturday as a starting day, but
if the user clicks on e.g. Monday, he will receive the booking sheet of boats that have Monday set as a starting day.
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