Local Booking Manager gives you the possibility to offer Short term charters or One-way charter and show such offers as Special offers on the Booking Manager Portal.
This is a perfect way to fill any gaps in your booking sheet, if an agent places a booking less than standard, 7 days, the system will automatically offer this boat until the end of the charter period.
One way
After you create the alternative base, the system will automatically create a One-way offer by recognizing where the boat is and "bringing it back to the main base".
- Click the Special offers tab on your main window
- The program will display all available One way and Short term offers currently available.
This makes it very simple for you to find any available special offers and offer them to your clients.
- Select one boat or more boats
- Place the special offers in the price quote
- Send price quote the same as for regular reservations, it helps you easily promote the special offers.
In addition, those Special offers are automatically visible on the Booking Manager portal under Special offers > One way.
Short term offers
If your season is Saturday-Saturday and you receive a booking, for example, Saturday-Wednesday, the system will automatically offer a Short term offer, in this case, from that Wednesday to the next Saturday.
Setting the discount for Short term offers
For Short term offers you can set one or more discounts that are valid for short-term charters.
Go to Setup > Discounts Types and on the discount set
- Discount name
- Trigger type to be Service duration
- Set sailing period in which discount will apply
- Set the duration to be 3 to 6 days
- Set the Order period if required
- Set Discount kind, it can be by percentage, Amount, or free days
- Set the Default value of the discount.
- Press Apply to finish.
The short term will be displayed on the main screen.
- When you set discounts for short term periods, set the duration for 3-6 days
- A discount for the short term will be displayed on the main screen.
In addition, those short term offers are automatically visible on the Booking Manager portal under Special offers > Short offers.
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