In addition to editing discounts via the standard Discount Editor, exclusive discounts can be entered easily via Revenue Planning. Please note that discounts entered via this area of the application override all others (exclusive discounts). Therefore, if we have an overlapping discount entered via Planning Revenue and one entered through the discount editor, the first will override the second one. In this article, we will explain how to enter those discounts and give an example of how the calculation works in practice.
Entering Revenue Planning discount
How to enter a discount through Revenue Planning :
Go to >Work> Revenue Planning
Choose Yacht (1), then choose Week (2) for which the discount will be applied (2), and then click on Change discount (3)
Insert discount value (4) and click on OK (5)
This discount will apply for the chosen week and can be combined with the previous or following weeks.
Here is an example of the discount applied for a single week:
As mentioned, the discount can be combined with other discounts entered through Revenue Planning.
Example calculation
For example, if we have a 10% discount on the week from 21/09 to 28/09 and a 20% discount from 28/09 to 05/10, the system will automatically combine the two discounts on a 2-week booking.
The system will then combine the two discounts entered via Revenue Planning and generate a single 15% discount which will be applied to the base price of the two weeks.
Note that discounts entered via Revenue Planning override discounts entered through the Discount Editor.
If we have a discount of 35% entered through the Discount Editor for the week from 14 to 21/09 and a discount of 10% entered by the Revenue Planning from 21/09 to 28/09, for a two-week booking the system will apply only the discount entered via Revenue Planning, divided by 2.
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