Booking Manager normally works in a way that you open a reservation for a boat with a price either from the Booking sheet or from the main window.
However you can open a booking for a boat in next year even if it is without a price for that period.
Go to Work > Reservations and press New (1.), once Select yacht window (2.) opens select a boat (3.) and press Choose (4.).
Once you selected the boat you can select a date in 2 ways. You can write the date directly in the field (1.) and press Ok (6.), or you can open a calendar (2.), use the selects to set the month (3.) and year (4.) and pick a date (5.). After you picked the date the calendar will close and press Ok (6.)
The reservation is not visible right away because the year in the filter is set to the default system year so you will have to switch the filter to the year you in which you opened a reservation (1.). Next, select the reservation (2.) and click on Calculation (3.). In Calculation you will have to enter the base price manually (4.) and press Apply (5.).
The price has to be entered manually since there is no pricelist defined for the required period.
After you entered the base price the reservation is handled in usual way.
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