Local Booking Manager has a possibility for those companies who are using LBM back-office to export invoices to different kinds of bookkeeping software solutions whenever they want without having to print invoices first.
Examples of software using our data export are LogIn Virga, Pantheon, Micronic, Swing, Point.
Invoice export through Booking Manager Application
To create export go to
- Reports
- Invoice review
Once the invoice review window opens you can filter invoices according to the following parameters:
1. select which invoices to show: on a particular day, in certain month, in certain year or certain period.
2. select the type of invoice: all, Advance, Final or Extras
3. select a particular method of payment: cash, credit card, bank transfer etc.
4. select a particular payment method used for invoicing
5. select the specific operator who issued the invoice
6. select the specific office which issued the invoice
7. select the specific device (LBM) that issued the invoice
8. select the specific boat model
9. select the specific yacht
10. select the specific owner
11. select the currency in which the invoice was issued
12. select the time period when the reservation was placed; all, month, year, period on the day
13. select by placing a check and writing the extra name, invoices that charged a particular extra
14. Select if you want only cash register report
As you make the selection in the filter, the list of
- Invoices
on the right changes automatically according to the requested filter parameters.
You can export the report in bookkeeping system by clicking
- Reports and choose which system (Swing, POINT 2, Synesis IRA)
- Export Swing
- Location on your computer where to export your invoices
- Give a name to export.
Data from Local Booking Manager can be exported in .xls or .csv format.
After saving it, the report is ready to be imported to bookkeeping software.
Invoice export through Web Service
Export can be done through our Web service via API (application programming interface)
If you're using SOAP, use a call GetInvoices (1)
If you're using REST API, use GetInvoices
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