Booking Manager helps you keep track of the cash you have at your cash register. By selecting the cash as a payment method while entering your charges at the base, the System will keep you updated on the exact amount you have. By entering a certain amount of the deposit you made, the system will calculate exactly how much you have left. This helps you know your financial status at any time.
How to Create the Report
To create the Cash Register Report you need to access you Local Booking Manager and click the Report tab (1.) and select from the drop down the Cash Register (2.)
Once the editor opens you can select to issue the report for a specific day, month, period or year (1.). The system allows you also to filter by payment method, operator, office, device and currency.
Once you select the filters that you want to apply you need to click Search (2.) and on the right side of the window you will see the list of the invoices.
By selecting the Reservation (1.) and clicking on Open reservation (2.) the system will open the reservation for which the invoice was issued
How to Export the Cash Register Report
Once you have applied the filter you require and searched, you can export the report by clicking Print (1.)
You can export the report in Excel, PDF and CSV format or directly print it from the application (1.)
How to Insert a New Balance Transfer
Booking Manager Application allows you to insert the amounts that you have taken from your cash register to deposit to the bank.
To do so you need to click on file (1.) new balance transfer (2.) and a new window will open.
Here you can enter the payment method used (1.) and the amount of the deposit (2.)
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