Local Booking Manager allows you to insert your own Terms & Conditions that will be displayed to the guests and agencies online before the booking confirmation and in the Crew List entry form.
Terms and conditions are important as a legal basis on the obligations of fleets and guests as well as a GDPR requirement in agreeing to the usage of the private Data in order to fulfil the service.
How to Set up Terms and Conditions in Local Booking Manager
If you are a charter fleet using the Local Booking Manager application, to insert and activate Terms and Conditions for your fleet or charter agency you need to:
- Go to Preferences > Web Search Engine
- Go to tab Defaults
- Click on Enable Terms and Conditions
- Enter your text in the text field below
- In the end, press Apply to save and activate
You can also Set up Terms and Conditions on the Web
How are Terms and Conditions shown to Clients?
After the activation of Terms and Conditions they become visible in the following places:
- Booking page on the portal for agencies. Once an agent agrees to T&C on the first booking for a certain fleet, he will not be asked again for subsequent bookings.
- Booking page on your Search Widget on your website for end guests
- Crew List entry area for guests
In all these cases, the Terms and Conditions are mandatory to agree to in order to complete the booking or to be able to send the crew list.
Please have in mind that under the GDPR Terms and Conditions cannot legally ask for consent for subsequent marketing activities with the client/guest. For that, there is a Marketing Consent that you can set up separately in the system and which is not allowed to be set as mandatory in order to provide the service.
Example of how T&C agreement looks on the Crew List entry
Example on how T&C agreement looks on the booking page
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