By using the Payment analyzer with Booking Manager you can easily view payments which are overdue and send reminders to your clients.
1. Finding the Payment Analyzer
The payment analyzer can be found in Work > Payment analyzer
2. Filtering through Payment Analyzer
Payment Analyzer has three sections
- Payments Filter
- Reservation Filter
- Details
Payments Filter
Payments can be filtered in a couple of ways, you can create a search by
- Period
- Value
- Reservation no
- Payment id
- Client name
- Client country
- Payment methods
Reservations filter
The reservation filter has a couple of selections, it can be filtered by
- Period
- Guest name
- Boat Model
- Yacht name
- Contract no:
- Check-in Base
- Show cancelled and expired reservations
Details Filters
Show by
- Payments
- Date
- Payment method
- Reservation
- Client
Payment status:
- Payments complete
- In debt
- Overpaid
- Overpaid or incomplete
- Payments overdue (all)
- First payment overdue
- Second payment overdue
3. Managing the Payments
Payments can be managed in a couple of ways
After you've selected desired payments, click on the preferable selection, and choose if you want to:
- Open reservation
- Export
- Send Reminder
Open reservation
If you've selected Open Reservation, payment opens a reservation in which payment was created
If you've selected Print, chosen payments/reservations will open in printable format, it is possible to:
- Click File- to export it to various formats, .xls, .txt,. .html...
- If there are more pages, click on Navigation
- If you want to enlarge it, click on Zoom
If you've selected Export, selected payment/reservation will open in the Excel export dialogue
Send reminder
Payment reminders can be sent after receiving filtered results according to the data, for example when the payments were made.
- Select the payments for which you want to send the reminder
- After you have done that the button Send reminder activates.
- Click on Send a reminder.
After clicking Send reminder button your e-mail program will open as many new e-mails as Clients were selected.
If you want you can create your own personalized text for Overdue reminder Message
If a Client has several boats for which payments are overdue they will be sent together in a single e-mail
Filtering overdue payments
When in the Payment analyzer and for example, you need to filter out the overdue payments to send the reminder.
On the top right you will find two selects under Details.
- Set Show by to Reservation
- Payment status to Payments overdue.
- Next, go to the Reservation filter and set the required period
When you are done press Search (4.).
This will filter out the overdue payments and you will clearly see how much is invoiced, how much was paid, the remaining debt, and how much is overdue.
Another way to filter the payments
- Set Show by to Payment
- Set Type to All, Payment/Advanced invoices or Storno.
- This will activate the Period in the Payment filter and you can further narrow it down by selecting the
- Country of your client or by the
- Payment method used
- Press Search
- You will receive all the payments in the results and pick out any that are overdue and send the reminder for them.
Merging payments with template
By using Payment Analyzer you can Merge it with your own Template
After you've created a personalized Template, click on
- Merge
Choose which template you want to use:
- First payment reminder
- Second payment reminder
- Payment slip
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