It is not uncommon for charter companies to have yachts owned by other private owners under the charter management. Booking Manager supports companies to easily track realized income both for themselves and the owners once all data has been set up correctly in the system as described on the following links:
1. How to assign the owner to the boat
2. How to allow owners to view and print Owner share list from CBM
3. How to limit the visibility of the Owner Share List
How to issue the Owner share list?
Usually, charter companies issue an Owner Share List once per month for the owners to issue the invoices for their part of the income. Once the charter company has it all set up accordingly to their management agreement and as described in the previous article they can easily:
- Select Reports
- Choose Owner Share List
and select filters depending on the report type they wish to create:
- Report type
- Period type
- Select the chosen period
- Select the currency
- Chose the Owner
- Select specific yacht
How to interpret data from the Owner Share list?
Here is an example of an owner report for a yacht Princess Mia for September 2020 that is mostly used by the charter operators - Standard netto report:
Reservation nr 63 as an example from the report:
Standard Netto Owner Share List Column explanation:
- Base price shows the Base price for the booked week excluding VAT which is in our example 13%
In the example reservation, it is 4601.77 € - Applicable discount in Netto amount
In the example reservation, it is 460.18 € - Commission amount agency received
In the example reservation, it is 828,32 € - VAT difference that represents
- the difference between Netto amount of price before the commission
- amount after commission and before extras
- add extras VAT
In the example reservation, it is -269.21 €
- Price after discount (Netto) increased by (Netto) amount of extras if any have been paid together with the charter fee
In the example reservation, it is 4300.89 € - Cost amount that is split between charter and owner
In the example reservation, it is 0.00 € - Netto amount of price after commission
In the example reservation, it is 3408,57 € - Potential costs that are charged to charter
In the example reservation, it is 0.00 € - The amount for the charter reduced for VAT
In the example reservation, it is 1193.00 € - Potential costs that are charged to the owner
In the example reservation, it is 0.00 € - The amount for the owner reduced for VAT
In the example reservation, it is 2215.57 €
For our demonstration for this specific yacht and owner we set up managing rules this way:
- The owner gets 65% of the profit
- Owner shares agency commission expenses with charter we set up as default that means he does not share that expense
Important is, for all these columns, to show the real and correct numbers, to enter all needed information on the reservations. To have reservation calculation set up correctly and costs entered on the reservation if this was part of the management agreement.
What kind of Owner share reports are available?
Owner Share list can be issued using netto or gross prices, for a specific period, just one precise month or for a whole year generally. The report is available in all world currencies and of course, the charter operator can issue it for a specific owner for all the boats owned by that owner of the issue separate reports boat by boat and decide at all times if they want to show agency discount or not.
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