Latest Local Booking Manager gives you the ability to more precisely control distribution of your boats in other systems or websites.
You can access list booking and distribution systems in Setup (1.) > Booking Systems/Distribution (2.).
Once the Booking Systems/distribution window opens you will see the following
1. Booking Manager portal
2. List of online portals that are using MMK data
3. List of Web sites that are using the Search Engine Widget
Once you select the company, you can see and do the following:
1. Company name - double click on it opens the contact in the Addressbook, same as the button View user at the bottom
2. Enabled - if a check is placed the company is enabled and receiving your boats in the results
3. Commission - commission set on the contact in the addressbook. Double click opens the field for editing and changes the commission information in the Addressbook. If it is not set in the address book it will show default setting from Reservation settings
4. Web site - if web address is entered, double click opens the website
5. E-mail - double click on the e-mail opens a new e-mail, same does the button Send email at the bottom
6. Phone number entered in the Addressbook
If you want to disable the certain system from receiving your boats you will have to remove the check from Enabled field (1.). Once you remove the check the system will alert you (2.) that you are about to disable a system and you will need to click on Yes (3.) if you are sure that you want to disable a system.
When you enable the system by placing a check there is no alert.
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