Local Booking Manager can generate various reports with which you can monitor what is going on with your charter fleet.
One of such reports you can generate is the Agency financial performance report. This report is very useful for monitoring the booking performance of your agents or direct clients.
You can generate it from Reports > Agency financial performance.
In the next step, the report wizard will open so you can adjust the parameters.
- Set the Report type. It can be Standard or Conversion rate for the report.
- Within Period type set date range for report. It can be by period, by month or by year.
- If selected by period, choose dates from and to.
- Then select Client type -it can be set to All, Agents, or direct clients.
- Frequency can be set to all, Old (last year) or New (this year)
- Agency can be selected from the address book if you want a report for a particular agent/client.
- Choose in which currency report will be visible.
- Select on which date to see Report.
- Sort by can be sorted according to Name, Number of reservations, Total value or Duration
- Order can be set to be descending or ascending.
- You can use the check if agents are to be grouped by country or not.
- Press Create report to generate the report.
When the report generates in Print preview any you can go to
- File
- Save it to Pdf or
- Export it to other available formats or
- Print it
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