One of the advantages of using Booking Manager both for charter providers and agents is that it connects to many more services providing the most complete technical and quality information about fleets in the system.
This document will help you to learn how to correctly connect the YachtCheck rating system with Booking Manager.
Inserting the ID
First step in connecting the rating systems with the Booking Manager is to enter the ID assigned to you by the YachtCheck rating system.
Open Preferences > Company settings. Then under Rating systems (1.) enter the ID assigned to your company by YachtCheck (2.), and press Apply (3.)
Inserting the boat ID
On YachtCheck system you can find the yacht id in Configuration (1.) > Yachts (2.) in the column Unit ID (3.):
Now you need to enter ID's for the boats individually. Open Work > Yachts, select a boat (1.) and select the YachtCheck tab (2.). Enter the ID of the boat as assigned by YachtCheck system into the ID field (3.). When you are done press Apply (4.) and repeat for each boat in your fleet.
Displaying the ratings in Booking Manager
Ratings of the boats are displayed in Booking Manager on each boat (1.) in YachtCheck tab (2.) below its ID in YachtCheck statistics/grades (3.).
Displaying the ratings on the Portal
The boats that are rated in YachtCheck will display the grades in the search results that are clickable for more detailed overview (1.).
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